Green Border
This thriller-cum-political drama takes place in the Green Border - the space between Belarus and Poland where hopeful refugees wait the next stage of their journey into Europe… "Except it never comes, because, as Holland shows us, the refugees are pawns in a wider political game: Belarus... is using them to destabilise the borders of the EU, and in contravention to EU law, Poland is throwing them back (sometimes literally). We see two sets of border guards outdoing each other for cruelty, as the refugees yo-yo from one side to the other, enduring life without shelter in the woods as well-meaning activists offer comfort but no way out" - Phil de Semlyen, Time Out.
"Sometimes movies about tough subjects end up being such brutal experiences you almost wish you hadn't seen them. Green Border is the opposite: it's likely to leave you feeling emboldened and galvanized, if also a little sadder and wiser. It's a quiet masterstroke" - Stephanie Zacharek, Time.
"Sometimes movies about tough subjects end up being such brutal experiences you almost wish you hadn't seen them. Green Border is the opposite: it's likely to leave you feeling emboldened and galvanized, if also a little sadder and wiser. It's a quiet masterstroke" - Stephanie Zacharek, Time.