The Farewell
"Based on an actual lie" The Farewell follows a Chinese family who, when they discover their beloved Grandmother has only a short while left to live, decide to keep her in the dark and schedule an impromptu wedding to gather together before she passes. Billi, freshly arrived from the USA and feeling like a fish out of water in her home country, struggles with the family's decision to hide the truth from her grandmother.
Chinese-American director Lulu Wang first turned her real-life family experience into a radio programme, aptly entitled In Defense of Ignorance. She subsequently adapted it into a movie, The Farewell, however the Chinese title is more direct - Don't Tell Her.
Thanks to Entertainment Film
Chinese-American director Lulu Wang first turned her real-life family experience into a radio programme, aptly entitled In Defense of Ignorance. She subsequently adapted it into a movie, The Farewell, however the Chinese title is more direct - Don't Tell Her.
Thanks to Entertainment Film
“In just 100 minutes of screen time, Wang has brought a contentious, ethical issue to a human level and wrapped it with heart.”
“A comedy of warmth and bracing honesty. Simply put, it's one of the best films of the year.”