Hard To Be A God

Sunday 24th January 4:30 PM


"I haven't read 'Hard to Be a God'; I only know German's movie is a standalone soul-socker; maybe the greatest film since the millennium began’ - Nigel Andrews, FT

"Though it delves into the worst extremes of human ugliness, Gerrman's film is exhilarating, moving, funny, beautiful and unshakeable – a danse macabre that whirls you round and round until the bitter end. Even when German's film is over, it’s not really over. Whenever you close your eyes, it's still playing" - Robbie Collin, Telegraph.

Hard to describe this amazing film: some scientists have gone to a different planet which is just like Earth, but locked into the middle-ages. As travellers, they are not allowed to influence anything, though they are treated like gods...Is it really another planet, or just a view of us and where we might be heading?

Be warned, this is not going to be an easy ride; BUT it just might be your favourite film of the millennium too!



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